"Mad Moon Misfits"
My best managed solo project to date, I made an introductory test room for a first person adventure game.
This demo is now sadly lost to hard drive failure.
This demo is now sadly lost to hard drive failure.
Hopefully one day I'll find some forgotten copy of the game file, for now I just have one screenshot, concept art, and most of the raw asset files.



"Metches Portrait"
Characters, and most items were traditionally animated with jittery live lines.
Generally having just a simple four frame idle animation to keep the lines alive. Though I did animate a separate "blink" idle for Metches.
Generally having just a simple four frame idle animation to keep the lines alive. Though I did animate a separate "blink" idle for Metches.
More Detail and expressive animation would be reserved for the close up dialogue menu sprites.

The UI was intended to look like a big mess of old dirty papers, like your digging through a writing desk that has been locked for centuries.
The inventory was going to be represented by a stamp book, with vintage styled stamps for each item.

The Floorplan of "The Grey Estate"

Designs for all of the 3D props in "Grey's Room"
I Did extensive planning for some pretty mundane elements of this game.
At the time I was making it I was working a job that gave me a lot of downtime throughout the day, and I wanted to be working on my game ALL THE TIME, so I would just be doing all of the actual "Design" in written notes, and sketches. Then later, where I was at my proper computer it was all just implementation.
Thankfully the old design documents are something I do still have. Filled with written out dialogue trees, floorplans, and lists of every single asset that I'll need, and what stage of completion each asset was in.
At the time I was making it I was working a job that gave me a lot of downtime throughout the day, and I wanted to be working on my game ALL THE TIME, so I would just be doing all of the actual "Design" in written notes, and sketches. Then later, where I was at my proper computer it was all just implementation.
Thankfully the old design documents are something I do still have. Filled with written out dialogue trees, floorplans, and lists of every single asset that I'll need, and what stage of completion each asset was in.